
Core Values Series: To Build a Better World

Nexus PMG

Operating at the intersection of project finance, development and operations, Nexus PMG provides world-class advisory services, delivering technical, operational and financial diligence through every phase of low-carbon infrastructure projects.

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Sidney Key
Project Engineer at Nexus PMG

After graduating from Clemson University with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, Sidney joined Nexus PMG as a Project Engineer, where he uses his breadth of focus in sustainable and low-carbon industries to create value for each project he works on. Sidney has a passion for working on projects that make a difference and enjoys being able to apply that passion at Nexus PMG.

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Core Values Series: To Build a Better World

To celebrate Nexus PMG’s seven-year anniversary, I am taking a deeper dive in to our core values as a company and how they are influencing, changing, and improving Nexus PMG. Our shared core values, both professionally and personally, are:

  • To build a better world.
  • To be the best people we can be and continually improve, and
  • To enjoy what we do.

This week, I’ll be taking a look at what it means to be a part of building a better world at Nexus PMG.

The Big Picture

Our core value of building a better world means Nexus PMG seeks to partner with developers and investors who are planning, building, and operating sustainable infrastructure and whose mission and goals strongly align with ours, including lowering greenhouse gas emissions; compliance with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework guidelines; and focusing on sustainable and zero-waste economies.

We have seen a growing number of entrants to the sustainable infrastructure investment arena over the past seven years. Our decision to focus on the low carbon sector has coincided with a trend of increased investment, increasing global renewable energy capacities, and decreases to long-term carbon targets throughout most of the developed world driven by public policy and private demand.

This focus has come with an opportunity cost to the company due to our non-participation in traditional energy infrastructure projects that we believe do not align with our vision. I am, however, proud to have witnessed the conviction of the Nexus PMG leadership team to hold true to our principles and values and focus only on the projects that align with our core value of building a better world.

How is Nexus PMG Building a Better World?

At a micro level, Nexus PMG is focusing on a number of initiatives that, we hope, will directly and indirectly contribute to building a better world.

A recent Nexus PMG initiative, Project Planet, maps feedstocks, technologies, outputs and government programs to connect new technologies with potential project developers to identify the best commercial pathways for waste to value projects.

Nexus PMG is a partner of Earth X, an international nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to educating and inspiring people and organizations to take action towards a more sustainable future. Earth X holds a yearly event that is the world’s largest environmental expo and Nexus PMG sponsors the event here in Dallas. This, among other initiatives, provides us a platform to educate our local community on the benefits of a zero-waste, low carbon future. In May this year, Dallas City Council unanimously approved the city’s first climate action plan. We are excited to be a part of this initiative and are currently developing our relationship with the city. We’re building a better world, starting at our own doorstep.

Nexus PMG has also recently launched a podcast – Bigger Than Us. The podcast focuses on ideas that will shape the future of our planet. Launched in Q3 2019, our prolific production team continues to produce two episodes per week with subject matter experts including sustainable-infrastructure investors, renewable project developers, and city policymakers.

We believe the sustainable infrastructure industry is, overall, still in the early adopter phase, which means there is an incredible amount to learn, so we have to put learning and education at the center of our strategy. Many of the technologies we come across, particularly in the waste to value space, are new technologies, so education and continued learning are paramount to their long-term success in a sustainable infrastructure sector that includes the already-established heavyweights of wind and solar. We are continuing to learn and quickly establishing ourselves as the experts for niche technologies. And we are keen to pass on our knowledge so we can all build a better world, together.