Employee Spotlight – Liam DiCicco

Liam is an outgoing and spirited individual pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University. Liam joins Nexus PMG as a co-op project engineer where he is learning many facets of the sustainable energy industry and providing project development and management support as needed. 

What sparked your interest in Nexus PMG?

I found Nexus PMG through Clemson’s co-op program. I was drawn to it by its goal of driving sustainable innovation on a global scale, and the wide variety of skills I would learn as a part of the team. I feel very grateful and lucky to be here!

What’s the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

While my experience is very limited, it’s encouraging knowing that every day can bring new learning no matter how long you’ve been an engineer.

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

My cousin and I have a habit of creating goofy characters – either just for the fun of it or by happenstance – and then developing deeply intricate stories surrounding their lives. If I were ever to write a book, it would follow a band of these characters as they go on incredible and wild adventures. 

What did you want to be growing up?

I never really had any specific professional aspirations as a child – but as I’ve gotten older the idea of becoming an astronaut, and one day leaving our atmosphere to see it all from afar, has become much more alluring. 

What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?

Working for Nexus PMG, I feel respected as an engineer-in-learning. There are so many things I don’t yet know, but everyone here has been welcoming and instrumental in my growth as a professional.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I would love to explore the ocean and swim amongst the incredibly diverse and important ecosystems that live there. Learning how to scuba dive without leaving a footprint on the environment would be my first step. 

What is your fondest childhood memory?

I remember fly fishing with my older brother in my grandparents’ pond and catching little bass that weren’t anything special, but it’s always just fun to reel something in. We were getting ready to leave, but my brother insisted on a few more casts. He ended up catching a fish twice the size of any we’d caught or thought we’d find in a pond of that size. It was pure joy. 

What is your motto or personal mantra?

“Be where you are, as you are.” It’s so easy to get lost in the many stressors that life brings, but I’ve found that it’s important to stay in the moment and be true to yourself. Everything else is easier to sort out from there. 

Meet the rest of the Nexus PMG team.

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